Librarian Avengers

Look it up.

Jul 14, 2005

Cartography Tricks

Maps are fun. Especially obedient maps. This blog catalogs some of the nifty things people have done with the Google Maps API. (from boing boing)

Here's a trick. A couple of years ago, I moved to Ithaca, NY. It's a good place to live.
Here's Google's map listing the Sushi restaurants in Ithaca:
For contrast, here's a map showing the sushi restaurants in my hometown of Flint, Michigan:
{crickets chirp}
Now look what happens when you search in Flint for "Guns":
Thanks everybody, next show's at nine. I'll be here all week.

Jul 6, 2005

New Schlock

Remember to properly label your librarian.
New librarian buttons and magnets at the Cafepress store.
Get some


It was a fantastic 4th of July softball game. We played in Beezoo and Lexie's sheep field. There were two friendly German shepherds, a handful of players, a famous digital librarian (whose name rhymes with 'Hill Farms'), and bases made out of flannel shirts. Occasionally, the dogs would grab the ball and run around looking pleased with themselves. Hill Farms kept dropping the ball. Chris hit a home run with the bases loaded. At one point, five sheep and a couple of goats ran through the infield, bleating frantically. "Stop this madness!" they seemed to say.

I twisted my ankle running to third and felt a rather alarming 'POP'. Once the adrenalin wore off, I realized I was having a difficult time walking. X-rays were taken, braces and crutches assigned, and I've been hopping around on one leg ever since. Yesterday I got downgraded from an avulsion fracture to a ligament something-or-other. I've been having fun abusing Advil and making up stories about what happened.