What a beautful way to violate copyright… (from Lawrence Lessig)
I saw a kingfisher, three baby geese, and a little green heron today at work. My job rules. I also got two free meals, and was told that a cd cover I designed was “infinitely beautiful.” My job rules. Did I mention that my job rules?
Do any of you chemists out there know what Phenylalnine is? It’s in my Diet Pepsi.
some alternative links
Thanks Amy! Wow, aspertame isn’t so toxic after all. Plus it’s a handy source of Phenylalnine! Unless, of course, you have an allergy to Phenylalnine, in which case you should probably make for the honey.
Nice weblog, by the way. Chris and I also went to see Farenheit 9/11 this weekend, only to be greeted by a sold-out theater. Ruddy Ithaca and its population of hippies. Can’t get near the thing.
I’m not a chemist… but I am a librarian, and this website may be useful to you: http://www.aspartame.info/faqs/faqs.asp
Best wishes, Amy Proni