Texas Update

Thirty seconds to post – I’m in a computer lab in the Austin Community College campus.

Things we’ve seen today:
Peacock in the neighbor’s yard
Peacock in the tree at Mayfield Park
Peacock with his tailfeathers up
Agaves growing in bunches along the road
Spanish moss
The House where they filmed a Willie Nelson/Kris Kristoperson movie once in the 70’s
The Stevie Ray Vaughn Car Wash
Rosemary bushes as tall as me
Migas at Kirby Lane Cafe
Palm Trees
Blooming redbuds dogwoods dafodills tulips apple and cherry trees
People in shorts and tank tops outside a sno-cone stand
Cactus growing on the roof of a coffeeshop
Kayakers on Town Lake

3 Replies to “Texas Update”

  1. Austin sounds like an oasis in paradise!! Is it like this all year round? I’m thinking about moving there soon. How did Chris look in the kilt?

  2. Pingback: University Update

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