Vote for me on the SXSW Panel Picker

Rock The Vote Poster

I can’t be self-promotional all alone here, people. I need your help! Vote for meeeee!

My proposal is up for voting right now on the South By Southwest Interactive Panel Picker. It’s a geek frenzy over there. Vote early and often.

VOTE HERE (login required)

Panel Proposal:

Video Game Research: Failing Our Way to Victory

Users are weird. They tell you one thing and do another. They click everywhere and read nothing. Erica Firment, a User Experience designer for Linden Lab/Second Life, chronicles fast and effective ways to make your software suck less by spending a few hours watching users fail.

  1. How can video games win by watching their players fail?
  2. What is video game user research?
  3. What do you mean by “watch users fail?”
  4. Can’t I just send out a survey? (NO!)
  5. Why are 3D world interfaces hard to design?
  6. What are some things in Second Life that got better by watching users fail?
  7. How does Second Life collect information?
  8. Why should developers and product managers invest in user research?
  9. What are some easy ways for me to do user research?
  10. What are some cheap ways for me to do user research?

6 Replies to “Vote for me on the SXSW Panel Picker”

  1. Pingback: what are some good super hero movies along the line of marvel and DC? | Comic Price
  2. Yay for easier to get started! I’m stranded on Help Island, currently. Makes me feel so much better about the first life, however. Let me know if you need a dummy to observe making mistakes – I’m the queen of the dummy mistakes!

  3. Pingback: How and where can I sell old comics on the internet? | Comic Price
  4. “Second Life”? We had that game in library school (I opted out)…which in my opinion [library school] was my second life, as I was working full-time in my first life.

    I honestly believe “Second Life” is a waste of time & energy unless you have nothing else going on in your “First (real) Life”…..I prefer real life encounters.

    But hey, I’m older!

  5. Eee! Thanks for the vote Linda! I think many of the panels at SXSWi are available online.
    Also, my team and I are working on a brand new version of the Second Life viewer, along with some improvements that I hope will help make it easier to get started. :)

  6. Totally voted! May be the closest I actually come to the glory of SXSW. Also? I broke down and did the Second Life thing. I can’t make my hair red, and I can’t make my shoes be normal. I’m afraid this is labeling me somehow.

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