
It was a fantastic 4th of July softball game. We played in Beezoo and Lexie’s sheep field. There were two friendly German shepherds, a handful of players, a famous digital librarian (whose name rhymes with ‘Hill Farms’), and bases made out of flannel shirts. Occasionally, the dogs would grab the ball and run around looking …

In which Metafilter links and I fret

EEE! I’m quite excited about being linked on Metafilter, but was it just me, or did some snarky person imply that the name Librarian Avengers is a possessive plural? I’m so confused. There aren’t even any adjective-noun agreement issues, and hello, avengers serves as a collective noun anyway. It’s like saying “dental hygienists” or “sports …

Morning Ralph

You know that old Warner Brothers cartoon with the coyote and the sheepdog? The sheep dog and the coyote both come into work and punch the time clock, and one goes “Morning Ralph” and the other goes “Morning Sam.” Remember? That one? Ok, so I’m leaving work last night, and I see somebody from the …