This is causing great joy among our phone support people at work. New technology can be so troublesome!
Lists 4 u.
I’m home sick with an intermittent fever, which is leaving me both unconscious and contagious. I’m trying to get some work done, but the cold meds are leaving my motivation low. So, I’ve been catching up on RSS feeds and click-trancing.
Here are some highlights:
Geek Love: Wonderful NYT Obit for the inventor of Dungeons & Dragons.
Dad Labs video: Man tries breast pump.
Go Josh Go! A $100 Million Donation to the N.Y. Public Library
Preparing For “The Colbert Report – Jennifer 8. Lee writes about her stint as an author-guest.
NPR Unapologetically Harriet, the Misfit Spy
Sesame Street on information visualization – This reminds me of my research recently on Learning styles in new Second Life users. It’s a real design challenge try and accommodate both the square and the musician.
I’ve been reading the webcomic Questionable Content in between naps.