Thank you to Jenny Benevento, the resourceful librarian who saved me a few seconds ago as I desparately searched for a knife to cut moleskin for my poor beat up feet after a run-in with some sandals last night. It was a pretty weird coincidence, since I was literally in the process of sending Jenny an email about meeting up tonight.
Or maybe it wasn’t a coincidence. I supect the number of librarians carrying useful tools in their bags is significantly higher than you know, normal folks.
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On an ordinary day, in my purse (which had to be bought large enough for an average mass-market and/or trade paperback), I have:
– a pocketknife
– 2 nail files
– Shout! Wipes
– three or more writing utensils of various persuasions
– makeup
– gum/mints
– a lighter
– a pencil sharpener
– a bottle of assorted OTC’s: aspirin, aleve, gas-x, cold pills
– a dart tool
– a small bat (baseball, not chiroptera)
– CDs (blanks and pre-recorded)
– confetti
– earrings
– a LightWedge Mini
Blasted airports. They need to lighten up. I mean, security is one thing, but the stuff they ar banning….!
I don’t know what I’d do without my Gerber Multi-tool.
Sadly, on the way back, the airport took mine. :(
I never leave home without my Swiss Army knife.
Wow I really feel like I have done my podiatrist parents proud getting called up in public for this! :)
I will proudly wear my librarian button to SxSW today! :)
Way to go Jenny B! Can’t wait to hear your crazy stories when you get back….