I’m SO going to Cornell!

doones1.gifOne of my role models when I was a baby geek was Kim from the comic strip Doonesbury. She coded nude, geeked out, talked in binary, and awed all in her path. Now her daughter Alex is coming to Cornell. Girl can crash at my place anytime. We’ve got wireless. If she wants, I can introduce her to other local fictional characters in town, like Stephen Titus George from Fool on the Hill.

Humbert Humbert, however, can just stay the hell away.

3 Replies to “I’m SO going to Cornell!”

  1. Oh Oh it looks like Cornell has competition, she may follow Pearl Jam instead.

  2. Actually, Alex is Kim’s stepdaughter. Alex’s mother is the very flaky JJ (Joan Jr), Joanie’s daughter Obviously, she inherited her brains from her father, or maybe her grandmother. I think Alex is one of the best characters in the funny papers these days.

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