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- Queen Bees are expensive
- It’s damned difficult to find a cat-sitter in Ithaca
- Johnathan Lethem’s You Don’t Love me Yet
is, so far, an absolutely perfect book
- Tom Phillips is an artist who did a really great book painting featuring fictional books with titles stolen from Shakespeare
- Roccapulco is a salsa club in San Francisco. I’m going next week with my friend Jake
- The Lunch Meeting is the gold standard for interviews at eBay
Oldschool Metadata
- You can randomly teleport somewhere in Second Life and end up getting juggled by a large pink elephant
- Hotels in San Francisco are way cheaper than hotels in NYC. Jobs in San Francisco pay way better than jobs in NYC.
- All it took for me to get my finances in shape was to get some software with a decent interface
- The only cure for pregnancy-induced hypertension is childbirth (hi clay!)
- My friend Josh has taken over things digital at the NYPL
- Adobe CS3 will steal your soul with its compelling beauty
- Google Analytics has a new interface that will steal whatever bit of your soul is leftover after Adobe gets done with you
- Half of you people are still using Internet Explorer. I’m saddened. Please, for the love of all things holy: Use
so, Moneydance? you recommend it? have you tried others? i’ve been thinking about getting one of these things…i’m horrible at managing my finances.
It’s twoo! It’s twoo!
I think you can add #15 – Spam blogs say the darndest things.