10 Replies to “Modern Romance”

  1. For fun, you can always add as many strange relationships with people as you can think of. It always confuses someone!

  2. ok that’s adorable… I just flipped the “in a relationship” bit, which has it’s own modern love fun :)

  3. Facebook is hazardous ground for this kind of thing. Did you hear the story of the couple who decided to take their relationship status off Facebook (making it private — what a concept!), prompting everyone in their social circle to believe they had broken their engagement?

    I decided a few years ago that indicating who I was ‘friends’ with was fine because ‘friend’ is such an ambiguous term online, but that I never wanted to have to go through the experience of removing a romantic relationship from my profile. It was bad enough back in web 1.0 when I found myself having to do that on a webpage, and that was when I decided ‘no more of this’.

  4. Kristi,

    I believe it’s like friend requests: if you send one that isn’t accepted, you simply get no reply. If you try asking again, it says that you already made a request.

  5. My question is what Facebook sends you if the other person DOESN’T confirm your relationship–and is there a network for that?

  6. Shouldn’t facebook be playing an audio clip of somebody saying “awww” when you click that add button?

  7. That’s hilarious. The Web 2.0 version of First Grade romance, where someone has to check a box saying if they want to be your boyfriend/girlfriend.

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