My tenure as couch fungus has ended.
No longer do I contain the churning seas.
I miss my days-long hibernation
I also miss being an overpaid cat-pillow.
Detaching myself from the couch was the hard part.
Since then, everything’s been duck soup.
After two plague-ridden weeks, I returned to work.
It’s much easier to be an office chair fungus.
I am glad you are feeling better! I was feeling guilty that I only came down with a mild, 24-hour, illness while you and Chris were felled by the plague…
We saw your re-emergence into the world, we drove behind you down tower road and said Woof back at your bumper sticker. We had 3 sheps on board who also said woof. Third is Hazel, our foster pup, an all-black wiggler who believes that Friendliness is next to Dogliness.
There is a fungus amongus!