Jeepers. A recent link in Wired News (thanks Katykins!) has led to lots of unexpected traffic, which means I should probably get off my e-butt and do some updates.
If you’re new to this site, welcome, librarians are great, don’t be afraid of the reference desk, and by the way, our webforums got hacked awhile ago and I haven’t pieced them back together yet.
Librarian Avengers visitors usually fall into the following categories:
- Frazzled librarians looking for fellowship
- Hipster librarians looking to put the “hepcat” in cataloging
- Library students looking for evidence that their future can be cardigan-free
- Disenfranchised humanities majors tossing around the idea of becoming a librarian
- Journalists trolling for material for the next “ohmygod librarians have a sense of humor and are kinda sexy” article.
With that said, I’ll try to provide some appropriate resources. ‘Cause that’s what librarians do.
- – Jessamyn’s librarian news site. Check out her naked librarians page. Updated daily, and chock full of goodness.
- Well Dressed Librarian – A librarian with style. I just love this fellow. I’d have him over, but I’d have to polish my silver first.
- The ALA’s guide to accredited U.S. library schools. You’ll be wanting an accredited one if you want to work in the States.
- Gin, search and retrieval, the weblog I kept while I was in library school. All of the dirt. Well, 5% of the dirt, anyway.
- A list of frikkin’ funny librarian websites.
- Unshelved, the comic strip about librarians. No kidding. It’s funny.