Argh! I’ve been tagged. Kevin Smokler has tagged me in Literary Tag and I am now compelled to answer the following questions:
1. How many books do I own?
Too damn many. We bought this huge bookcase and painted it red, and now it stands in the living room looming at us.
2. Last Book I Bought:
Y: The Last Man Vol. 5: Ring of Truth – Brian K. Vaughan
This is one of the most exciting comics being created right now. The premise is, what would happen if all the men in the world died…except one. Great writing, great art, bow-and-arrow wielding amazons, good times.
3. Last Book I Read:
I just finished up Reinventing Comics by Scott McCloud, and am halfway through Going Nucular: Language, Politics, and Culture in Controversial Times
by Geoffrey Nunberg – the linguist from NPR. I liked his last book too.
4. Five Books That Mean A Lot To Me:
The Tidewater Tales by John Barth
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
The Laws of Evening by Mary Yukari Waters
Fool on the hill by Matt Ruff
Grassroots : A Field Guide for Feminist Activism by Jennifer Baumgardner & Amy Richards
5. Tag Five More:
Kara at Infogirl
The Well Dressed Librarian
Jessamyn at
Jessica at AndStillShe
Is that bookcase by any chance made of sapient pearwood? Better watch its movements then…
Done. And I’ve tagged more folks. I was tempted to change the number of people that I needed to tag (artistic license and all) but worried it might have chain letter effects on me, and I don’t need back luck right now.