Come On Everybody Let’s Get Together and Map Ourselves

If there’s one thing I love more than Google Maps mashups, it’s Google Maps mashups that let me see who is out there is reading this website. Besides my mom. Hi mom.

Frappr is Friendster for maps. I made a Librarian Avengers frappr map so that we might all peer at one other’s geographic representations. Go on, add yourself. Stand up and be counted.

If I get more than 200 folks, I’ll host a librarian party at SXSW. With strippers. Feminist strippers.

Update: Holy crap. It hasn’t been a day and there are already 33 folks on the map from all over the world. That’s 16% of my 200-librarian-challange! I’d better start researching burlesque clubs. Where the heck did all you people come from? Have you been here all along? Jeepers.

12 Replies to “Come On Everybody Let’s Get Together and Map Ourselves”

  1. 224 people, baby. Though I’d love to say I’ll show up for the party, chances are I won’t make it. I’m really looking forward to hearing your stories about the stripper though. ;)

    Austin? If you’d like I can hook you up with a couple of good people in Austin that can help in your search.

  2. I’ll be at SxSW iA, talking about the business of “Unshelved” at a panel on Monday the 13th. Drop me a line, we should get together. And I’m definitely coming to your stripper party even though technically I’m not a librarian.

  3. Just discovered your blog. Great one! I am not from an English speaking country (Spain), living in a nearly-English-speaking-country one (Sweden) and moving back to London (totally-English-blah blah blah)
    Will follow you!

  4. Well, there are 29 of us reading you via Bloglines, so that’s a nice chunk of readers. :)

    So, how ’bout signing my Frappr map, even if Cyber Chocolate isn’t a library blog. I do mention libraries sometimes.

  5. In my experience, the citizens of Amsterdam speak better English than the people from my hometown in Flint, MI.

    Unless “youze guyzes” really is an appropriate second-person plural.

    What do youze guyzes think?

  6. am i the first of a non-English speaking country? :)
    yes, following your blof all the way from h e r e (= Amsterdam, the Netherlands)

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