Interview Girl |
I’m in the Bay Area this week, interviewing and exploring the city for possible relocation potential.
I rented a convertible yesterday and had a great drive down to Silicon Valley. I haven’t had a chance in a long time to be the blonde-in-the-convertible, and I gotta say, it felt good.
I’ve got sand under my fingernails, the beginnings of a distinctly non-librarian looking tan, and I’ve burned off at least a few sad winters’ worth of Midwestern Ennui in the past two days. In other words, I’m having a good time. Wish you were here.
Dogblog is really good today, by the way.
W00t! SF huh? Cool… I am currently in the midst of contemplating where I want to be in a couple of years, and the answer is certainly not in Dayton. I am thinking Portland, or maybe Seattle…
Good luck with the job hunt!
I am also with you in the jet-lagged grrls club, as I got back from a business trip to London a couple of days ago and am still finding myself falling alseep at 9pm….
Although I haven’t exactly made a good case for myself by mistyping my website URL the first time.
But I am here! :-)
I know you don’t know me and I’m only an occasional commenter, but if you are out here for a while longer and want to meet up, drop me an email. I enjoy reading your stuff about library and web things, and also random stuff. :-)
Converts are nice.
Also nice was the brand new, Peugeot 505 Turbo w/ sunroof and five speed that we roared 200 miles south with along the coast highway, and then 200 miles back north through the woods. OMG! 90mph on the PCH (when conditions allowed) felt like Mach 3! Zoom! Swish!
Have fun!
Thanks Amanda. I just got 12 hours of much needed sleep. I promise to stop outsourcing my brain to OS X’s spellchecker.
On that note, I did see some impressive silicone yesterday. A guy walking down the street behind me gasped out loud, and the guy behind him, completely separately, said “woah”.
A cascade of stunned (and I think natural rather than street harassment-ish) exclamations of surprise followed as the silicone-based woman progressed down the street.
I think you meant Silicon Valley. But I imagine you’ve seen a lot of silicone down there too. Have fun!