Apple has introduced a new product. I think you’ll like it. The IRack.
Librarain videos
These kids today and their wacky video freeculture.
They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Well, after minutes of painstaking research, I have determined that librarians reign supreme on YouTube.
Steve Reed, kickass Library Media Specialist at Wilmington High School sent us a link to an excellent video some of his students made, featuring a library ninja.
As you know, one library ninja video leads to another, and another. Once I finished with the library ninjas and ninja librarians, I was naturally drawn to the librarian superheros.
Troubling indeed, were the librarian villains, librarian vampires, and librarian nazis. But worst of all, are the schlumpy “librarians” who shelve books all day.
Heart Librarians
Doppleganger at 50 books hearts librarians.
How to search Amazon for sale stuff
As a librarian, I feel obliged to share this method of procrastination resource with others:
These clever folks figured out how to link directly to stuff on sale at Amazon. So if you want to look at 80% off Office Supplies for some reason, you are now able.
This ability proved to be distracting once I discovered the 50%-off pet supplies. Owl-the-cat will soon possess 60 “Rattling Rainbow Mice (in Cheese Wedge Display Box). He goes through the damn things like popcorn, and I’m sick of paying two bucks each for them at PetSmart.
Here’s the pet links for you Dog People and Cat People
Link via Lifehacker
The contents of my (outsourced) brain
My brain and my bookmarks are getting more tightly interwoven as the years go by. A few hours away from my desk and I start itching for the hive mind. Here’s a few of the tabs I’ve had open lately.
- Wild Turkey Sounds
- Dojo, a JavaScript toolkit that takes the hard work out of stupid Ajax tricks
- The Current State of the Irish Language
- Palaeography, the reading of old handwriting. I got to translate a contract of indentured servitude for work once. That was cool. (thanks metafilter)
- Routine Recording Cards (thanks lifehacker)
- Cat and Girl debunk animal myths
Librarian vs. influenza: day you have got to be kidding
You guys rule. Thanks for the comments and updates. I’m still sick. Here’s some replies to the kind souls who wrote yesterday…
Carisse: Hook ’em horns! From what I hear, the philosophy department had one heck of a softball team.
Catrina: I totally agree. I’ve beendrinking pints of DeTox and Breathe Easy, with a side of Echinacia and Chamomile mint. Stupid Ralph left for the day, but his friend Vertiginous Vinnie stopped by this morning. Which means I’m typing this with my eyes closed as the keyboard spins rather disturbingly otherwise.
Cute Overload is the best. I refreshmonkey their feed regularly. Bunnies cure all.
Steve: Thanks! This flu is like a writing exercise. My lit professors always said that constraints catalyze creativity. I’d like to add that vomit volumizes verbosity.
Has your son experienced a traumatic event? His DVD behavior sounds like a cry for help. But then, I’m a girl. It could just be a call for boxing gloves and a little brother.
Meg: Eggs? Org. Perhaps I should rethink my question.
Seriously though, the new kitty nurses. Like, he sucks on things. Schlurp schlurp schlurp. He’s a big snoring baby with hairballs. Schlurp.
Also, hooray to your librarian destiny! Mine got beat up by my better-pay-as-a-user-advocate destiny. But librarianship is an identity, it’s larger than a single profession.
Linda: I have no idea what movie this is. The only thing I really miss by not having cable is the movie previews. Sometimes I remember to check the apple site, but mostly I just rely on word of mouth and This was good? I should watch it? Better than Ang Lee’s finest? Will I require insulin? Will they even play it here in the cinematic desert of Ithaca, NY?
All: My friend Kara has put up some of our photos from NYC and Paris on flickr if you wish to travel vicariously.
Librarian vs. influenza: day twelve
How did you spend your holiday vacation? For the last two weeks I’ve had the flu! I got better for awhile, then right before my future in-laws came for a visit, I reverted to what has become my default state: slumped on the couch, cat snoring on my shoulder.
I met a new symptom yesterday (let’s call him “Ralph”) who requires me to consume only miso soup and saltines.
In other news, um, nothing. I’m becoming a connoisseur of Ze Frank’s The Show, which is hilarious and requires only that I summon the energy to press play once in awhile.
I messed around with this morning for a bit before passing out. My cat nurses in his sleep.
How are you? Please write comments and make me feel like I’m part of the world. Anything will do. What did you have for lunch? Heard any good jokes? Movies? Adventures? Accidents? News? Alien invasions? Alan invasions?
Does anyone have cable? Can you tell me what is on tv?
Librarian vs. influenza: day six
Amid the body pain, sore throat, fever, and seal coughs, I’ve managed to keep myself entertained. Here’s how to beat a week-long flu using only a laptop, broadband, and some good over-the-counter drugs.
South Park character maker Version Two. Yes, I said version two.
With even more hairstyles, weird hats, and weapons. Waste your holiday break the new-fashioned way!
- Download obscure mp3s from, a DRM-free site that gives away 50 free downloads to get you hooked. Quite successfully, I might add. They have the entire Alternative Tentacles catalog, so you no longer have to fill out the little form in the back of your Dead Kennedys cassette tape.
- Facebook – Stalky stalky!
- Shoe sale at Ann Klein boots are 65% off. I’m powerless against low-priced yet stylish footware.
- E-tarot cards. It’s so much more meaningful when you shuffle them with your mouse.
- My dad’s blog (caution: ham radio geekery)
- New Universal – The latest comic by transmetropolitan genius Warren Ellis. The premise? In a slightly alternate world where Paul was killed instead of John and China owns the moon, individuals begin to spontaneously develop superpowers. Often with unhappy results.
White Oleander – I grabbed this from the library book sale because it was
well-reviewed, and I enjoyed it despite my friend Kara’s warnings. She has a point, the characters can be less than sympathetic. Still, I enjoyed the book’s authentic voice, and the author’s willingness to describe a young woman’s reaction to desperation and loneliness.
- Bitch Magazine – I’ve got a subscription. You should too. Give this to smart female patrons who haven’t yet tapped into the vibrant young feminist culture out there.
- Invader Zim – Find and watch this. Kill if you must.
- The Tick – Mighty! I love Bi-Polar Bear.
- Battlestar Galactica – There is good acting and directing here, if you don’t mind the occasional robot army and Deus ex machina.
Here’s a 44 minute recap to get caught up on the plot.
- Thank you for Smoking – I haven’t watched this yet, but I’ve got the Netflix envelope sitting on the coffee table. I’ll letcha know.
- Creature Comforts – Not sure if you know this or not but, the Wallace & Grommet folks have a show on the BBC called Creature Comforts. They interview people in Britain about random topics, and overlay their voices onto claymation animals. It’s rather wonderful.
- Loose Change – an independently-produced video exploring many of the unanswered questions about the events of 9/11. An interesting topic, and less frothing than most. (warning: do not watch while taking cold medicine, as you will be especially vulnerable to sad footage and will probably need to stop the film several times to blow your nose and cry)
- Cats – Preferably in a large pile, nesting around your head. Include one that doesn’t mind being used as a pillow.
- French cold medicine. Seriously? This stuff is fun. I can see my house from here.