Radical Militant Librarians

Have you seen the ALA’s new Radical Militant Librarian buttons? Me too. I liked the concept, but not the design. So I made some of my own. Ain’t Capitalism grand? As usual, all proceeds go to a combination of non-profits and grocery bills.

19 Replies to “Radical Militant Librarians”

  1. Pingback: regardingjohn » Blog Archive » Libraries and me
  2. Pingback: pianica » Blog Archive » radical and militant
  3. While I am not a Radical Militant Librarian, I am a lowly researcher with great respect for Radical Militant Librarians. I think you should create an “I love Radical Militant Librarians.” button, for those of us who support the movement but lack the collation skills. Rock on! Defenders of the information, I solute you!

  4. Erica, can you do something about this too?:


    banned books, challenged books, mmmh i am confused!

  5. Sent the form to buy the ALA buttons, never got ’em and the money hasn’t come out of my accout yet. So i’ll go with Erica’s. I DID go to one of those mall kiosk’s that does hat embroidery and have a bb cap done with HX821. Since most people are LC unaware it’s great.

  6. My OS X Spanish to English translator translates that to: “You can put that in short circuits of the boxer?”

    I suspect this is a request for boxer shorts? If so, yes! I’m working on it. :)

  7. Pingback: News for Greens
  8. ALA’s buttons look like a traditional librarian: really trying to be hip, but still way too boooring. wake up, this is 2006, and someone understood, thanks Erica! GO ERICA!

  9. Pingback: Radical, Militant Librarian « MaisonBisson.com
  10. Sweet! I was tempted to order a button from ALA, but I like your design better, your ordering is easier, and you have shirts, which are vastly more useful than buttons.

    ALA should try to recruit you.

  11. The ALA’s version looks like something you would expect to see on a poster advertising a 1950s ‘Action and Adventure!’ or ‘Aliens Invade!’ type of movie….. very retro.

    Your design reminds me of Maoism and Communist propaganda posters for some reason.

    Wow, am I glad its Friday….

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