Scientist, Model, Library tourist

Elyse Sewell came in second place on America’s Next Top Model. I know this because I spent two solid days watching it on YouTube this winter while battling the flu.

Why should you care about Elyse Sewell? Well, she’s funny, she has a livejournal, she’s smart as hell, and she visits libraries for fun. Libraries like the François Mitterrand Library.

Enjoy, and remember: Librarians can be hot and models can be smart.

And vice versa, probably. But we don’t talk about that here.

3 Replies to “Scientist, Model, Library tourist”

  1. we had a nickname for her while watching season 1.

    “pitchfork media girl”

    she rawked. and go me, i only stumbled across her LJ recently…

  2. Pingback: attractions » Scientist, Model, Library tourist
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