The Offical White House Photostream on Flickr

The Official White House Photostream on Flickr is essentially Cute Overload for US Politics. There is a type of unabashed sincerity in the Obama administration that I’ve never seen before.

I really love this photo of the President interacting with a young visitor.

And then, of course, there is Bo, shown here visiting the Oval office for the first time. Awww. Hi Bo! Hi!

Procrastination fodder

Got something important to do? Great! You can put it off indefinitely by following these handy links.

Please Insert Your Time Here…

  • Lucy Knisley comics – Don’t just read this one. Read them all. Her art is wonderful to look at, and the comics’ content swings from humor, to storytelling, to painful self-awareness.
  • Jon Stewart skewers Jim Cramer (the yelling stock idiot from CNBC)
  • The Big Picture – a photo blog that turns news stories into more than just words
  • The J-Walk Blog – “The Web has thousands of halfway-decent blogs. This is one of them”
  • Bunny Bookends – aww

Domestic Violence: Legal Resources

A friend is going through this. She needs legal advice and low-income resources.

Here’s the best of what I’ve found:

  • – Incredibly clear and useful site with an excellent FAQ, state-by-state help, info on shelters, courthouse locations, legal forms, advice.
  • Battered Women’s Justice Project – Contact list for state Domestic Violence coalitions – These groups can provide individual *advocates* who are familiar with state laws and resources.
  • American Bar Association’s Commission on Domestic Violence pdf guide to attaining a lawyer

I’ve been finding a lot of links-to-lists-of-links. If you know of any *easy to use* resources that would help a mother with no money avoid a murderous creep, please comment, and thank you.

Read necklace, not ALA approved. is a site where arts n’ crafters sell their wares.

If you shop at etsy, chances are pretty high you you are supporting a stay-at-home-mom, a starving artist, or a woman who wouldn’t otherwise get compensation for her work.

With that said, brookadelphia on etsy offers some pretty cool read necklaces. Don’t tell the ALA.

Zombie Dating Site: Zombie Harmony

BrainsThere’s a great new dating site online…for zombies!
Hurry and join!

I wonder if eHarmony will be as cool as Linden Lab was about parodies?

Linden sent the maker of a Second Life parody the opposite of a Cease and Desist letter. Since, like most sane people, they realized that parody = fair use, and fair use = the foundation of cultural exchange.

Now we’re BFF with the EFF, and there’s one less dumbass lawsuit in the world.

I love this line…
“Moreover, Linden Lab objects to any implication that it would employ lawyers incapable of distinguishing such obvious parody.”

Lists 4 u.

I’m home sick with an intermittent fever, which is leaving me both unconscious and contagious. I’m trying to get some work done, but the cold meds are leaving my motivation low. So, I’ve been catching up on RSS feeds and click-trancing.

Here are some highlights:
Geek Love: Wonderful NYT Obit for the inventor of Dungeons & Dragons.

Dad Labs video: Man tries breast pump.

Go Josh Go! A $100 Million Donation to the N.Y. Public Library

Preparing For “The Colbert Report – Jennifer 8. Lee writes about her stint as an author-guest.

NPR Unapologetically Harriet, the Misfit Spy

Sesame Street on information visualization – This reminds me of my research recently on Learning styles in new Second Life users. It’s a real design challenge try and accommodate both the square and the musician.

I’ve been reading the webcomic Questionable Content in between naps.