
book cover My local comic book guy recommended this. I trust him because he has a huge fluffy dog and digs David Mack. I bought the first trade paperback and became so addicted that I am now spending $10/week there getting caught up on all of the issues. Curse your impeccable taste, comic book guy!!!

Transmetropolitan is, first, not work-safe. Librarians: keep this out of the children’s section or be prepared to mop up the exploded heads of your more conservative patrons. Transmetropolitan follows the adventures of gonzo journalist Spider Jerusalem as he stomps through a futuristic distopia filled with two-faced smoking cats, Ebola Cola, and incredibly creative profanity. You’ll love it.

Morning Ralph

You know that old Warner Brothers cartoon with the coyote and the sheepdog? The sheep dog and the coyote both come into work and punch the time clock, and one goes “Morning Ralph” and the other goes “Morning Sam.”

Remember? That one?

Ok, so I’m leaving work last night, and I see somebody from the reference department coming in for her shift just as I’m leaving. And of course I say “Morning Ralph,” because of course everyone in the universe has the same cultural touchstones as me right?

And of course she has no idea what I am talking about, and of course I’m a big freak.