My kid’s talent show program in the form of snarky texts to my dad

Theater seats

Name Redacted Elementary School
Spring 2019No early exit please

  • I have no idea what is happening in this play but I think someone is a dog

  • Uh oh music stand onstage

  • Two fourth grade girls capably reproduce their recital from dance class

  • A longing for earplugs

  • 30 kids in paper shark hats can only mean one thing

  • Oh Christ ABBA

  • Hamilton team lip sync for some reason

  • First graders bump into each other

  • In which we discover the source of the ukulele noises

  • Hamilton singer whose mike is off

  • Violins! RUN!

  • Someone rapping which is honestly a relief

Zombie Dating Site: Zombie Harmony

BrainsThere’s a great new dating site online…for zombies!
Hurry and join!

I wonder if eHarmony will be as cool as Linden Lab was about parodies?

Linden sent the maker of a Second Life parody the opposite of a Cease and Desist letter. Since, like most sane people, they realized that parody = fair use, and fair use = the foundation of cultural exchange.

Now we’re BFF with the EFF, and there’s one less dumbass lawsuit in the world.

I love this line…
“Moreover, Linden Lab objects to any implication that it would employ lawyers incapable of distinguishing such obvious parody.”

True Romance!

I popped in to the Tompkins County Public Library yesterday to take advantage of the few hours that they are open after recent budget cuts. I believe I represent many library workers in my inability to return library materials on time. My friend Mark worked at circulation when I was in college, and I got kind of spoiled as a result.

Anyway, I paid my $13 fine, and received a wonderful reference interview from one of the librarians. And I found this: Truer Than True Romance: Classic Love Comics Retold! a parody of all of those hideous True Romance comics of the 40’s and 50’s. The comic art archive where I used to work collected many of the originals, and shelving them was always a swoopy-swoony blast. Afterward, I took to biting my knuckle in times of stress.